Monday, April 6, 2020

Head of Customs Field Operations Division Rwanda Revenue free essay sample

I I Its also important to note that Rwanda is a landlocked country surrounded by Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, Tanzania and Uganda. This is to imply that it is a transit country tort consignments destined to its neighbors and heavily depends on imports from the major ports of Mambas in Kenya and Dark- sees- Salaam in Tanzania respectively. I I There has been various studies and reports produced by experts and indicated[l] the transit distances from the port of Mambas along the Northern Corridor member countries like Rwanda and Burundi are some of the longest I laming landlocked countries with an estimate of skim. Ill the transit charges ranked as high as 30-40 percent of CIFS value for Uganda and 50-70 percent for Rwanda and Burundi. Normally there are numerous inconveniences I leafed by landlocked countries like Rwanda such as the burden of unnecessary delays of goods in transit routes which increases transport cost of the goods on board, uncertainty of supplies which also hikes the cost of I I production, general lack of security for such goods, congestion of ports and borders due to cumbersome processes and procedures. We will write a custom essay sample on Head of Customs Field Operations Division Rwanda Revenue or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I I The Rwanda Private sector Federation conducted two separate studies at efferent intervals across the East African Region to establish major obstacles that threaten the movement of goods in the region in what is referred I Tit as Non Tariff barriers (Ants) and analyses their negative impact on trade. The findings on both occasions have been shared in Partner States and the Council of Ministers directed the EACH secretariat to draw a time bound I Program for their total elimination in the region. Each member country has its own Ants but the following are the common ones identified; Police Escort mechanism which cause delays of transit cargo I I Inadequate I I Elements of Corruption along the Northern and Central Corridors particularly at roadblocks, weighbridge and border gates which increase the cost of doing business increased cost of business I Lund harmonicas Port Charges lead to I Lengthy procedures for issuing work permits among EACH countries I Inadequate quality of infrastructural services I Lack of verification sheds and parking yards at border posts I Charges by Container freight stations I Varying application of axle load specifications I Delays at the Ports which affect imports and exports through the ports. I Tied up guarantee UN cancelled for many months due to manual processes I In 1997 Rwanda Revenue Authority (ERA) was established as a semi autonomous organization under Ministry of Finance and economic planning, charged with the mandate to undertake the administration and accountability of taxes,l Duties and non fiscal revenue which include driving license fees, visa fees and passport in Rwanda. ERA Vision: I l To become a world class efficient and modern revenue agency, fully financing national needs I Mission: I l Mobiles revenues for economic development through efficient and equitable services that promote business gar I Core strategic Values: I I Integrity I Customer focus I Transparency I Professional service delivery I Team work I Rwanda Revenue Authority has two operational Departments I Customs Service Department: I The department is headed by a commissioner deputies by four Heads of division, operations division, Trade management, compliance and policy and business development. The mission statement: I l To contribute to the achievement of ERA objectives by efficiently maximizing the collection of all revenues due on imports and to facilitate trade through provision of efficient and equitable services to stakeholders I I Domestic Tax Department also headed by a missioner with two deputies one for large Taxpayers Office (L TO) and another for Small and Medium taxpayers office (SMOOTH), the mission statement: To contribute to the I Liechtenstein of ERA objective by maximizing revenue collection at minimum cost and providing quality input to tax policy development, while providing a high quality, courteous and equitable services to taxpayers and other I I stakeholders I Support department include: I Revenue Protection Department Quality Assurance Department I Research and Planning Department I CIT Department I Taxpayers Department I Legal and Board secretariat